Transaction Management:
Imagine the finest carpenters, top-rated electricians, plumbers and masons meeting once for a discussion with an architect, given a set of plans, and then told to build the project indicated. Is there a role for a general contractor in this analogy?
TIG Ventures is effectively your general contractor for important transactions. We keep the big picture--your priorities--at the top of each participant's list. And we check and re-check.
Our experience has been that the crafting of the RFP itself will save time and money when it reflects your priorities and our experience with writing these documents. At the end of the day, our involvement frees your time and attention for other tasks, and prevents your having to repeat your instructions more than once. Therefore only you can truly estimate the value of our transaction management services.
Some examples of transactions we have managed in the past are: Building a digital marketing and delivery platform; Selling a division of a large public company; Construction development for company headquarters and facilities; Joint venture between two industry leaders in their respective businesses and a third party; Outsourcing of applications and business processes to an off-shore location; Purchasing of a mid-size European competitor in a specialty market.
If you would like to know more about transaction management, click here.